Tuesday, October 24, 2017

SCANA, Santee Cooper ratepayers want receiver to control money from failed nuclear deal | Business | postandcourier.com

SCANA, Santee Cooper ratepayers want receiver to control money from failed nuclear deal | Business | postandcourier.com: "Customers who are suing Santee Cooper and SCANA Corp. over the scuttled V.C Summer nuclear project are asking that a receiver be appointed to oversee funds the utilities have collected and will continue to collect for the failed expansion.

One of the arguments that their lawyer made to support the request is that the power providers “are in danger of insolvency.”

“If … Santee Cooper and SCANA are not currently insolvent, there is certainly the threat of ... insolvency,” Columbia attorney Cameron Lewis wrote in legal filing Friday."

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Friday, October 20, 2017

Customers concerned they will have to pay for water company issu - wistv.com - Columbia, South Carolina

Customers concerned they will have to pay for water company issu - wistv.com - Columbia, South Carolina: "Yanity says customers who saw unusual charges on their water bills need to call customer service. 

"Well they need to call us directly again, we've provided them with a customer service number, call us and we will work with them and we will work with them individually," said Robert Yanity with Carolina Water Service. "Somebody is going to answer their calls. They need to call us and make sure that we're talking to them."


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SC State House could respond to nuclear fiasco on Halloween | The State

SC State House could respond to nuclear fiasco on Halloween | The State: "By next Tuesday, the S.C. House’s “ratepayer protection” committee could decide how state government will respond to the multi-billion dollar failure of the V.C. Summer nuclear plant – and whether South Carolina power customers should be stuck with the bill.


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Feds OK plan to leave tainted coal tar on Congaree River bottom | The State

Feds OK plan to leave tainted coal tar on Congaree River bottom | The State: "The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers approved a permit Wednesday that allows the power company to cover the toxin-tainted coal tar with stones or other material to hold it in place. The company had originally planned to dig up the coal tar and haul it away, but backed away because of the expense.


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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Gov. McMaster says talks continuing in sale of state owned Santee Cooper - South Carolina Radio Network

Gov. McMaster says talks continuing in sale of state owned Santee Cooper - South Carolina Radio Network: "Speaking with reporters Wednesday after the South Carolina Military Base Task Force briefing in Columbia, McMaster said the sale of the company could be a way Santee Cooper customers are repaid after a failed venture to build two nuclear reactors with SCANA. Customers from both companies have paid about $1.7 billion for the cancelled project.

“Without having the ratepayers ending up holding the bag for these failed reactors,” McMaster said."

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SC Gov. Henry McMaster asks SCANA to stop charging for nuclear reactors | The State

SC Gov. Henry McMaster asks SCANA to stop charging for nuclear reactors | The State: "McMaster also urged SCANA to use money it is set to receive from a settlement with Toshiba, the parent company of the now-bankrupt Westinghouse, which was the lead contractor building the nuclear reactors, “to begin refunding to ratepayers” money already collected for the construction project.


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Irate Columbia-area sewer customers look ahead to state hearing - wistv.com - Columbia, South Carolina

Irate Columbia-area sewer customers look ahead to state hearing - wistv.com - Columbia, South Carolina: "During those hearings, members of the public will have the opportunity to weigh in on a rate increase plan that would stretch over the next three years. By 2020 many customers of Palmetto Utilities will be paying a flat fee of $68.05 per month for sewer service.


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Southern Alliance for Clean Energy: Duke Energy tops Southeast in energy efficiency - Charlotte Business Journal

Southern Alliance for Clean Energy: Duke Energy tops Southeast in energy efficiency - Charlotte Business Journal: "Duke Energy Carolinas led the Southeast in savings from energy efficiency programs in 2016, cutting almost 1% off its annual sales, says a new report from the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


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Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Energy Voice | US nuclear plant under watchdog's eyes after fault found - News for the Oil and Gas Sector

Energy Voice | US nuclear plant under watchdog's eyes after fault found - News for the Oil and Gas Sector: "The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has determined that a fault found at Duke Energy’s Catawba nuclear power plant in South Carolina has a “low to moderate safety significance”.


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Lake Wylie SC not getting more water soon | The Herald

Lake Wylie SC not getting more water soon | The Herald: "The plan now is to raise summer target elevations by Dec. 31, 2025 or when the Wateree spillway is complete — whichever is later. If that projects takes the full eight years after the final license date, it could be some time before the change given that clock hasn’t started yet.


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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

SolAmerica Energy Launching Solar Operation in Edgefield County - S.C. Governor Henry McMaster

SolAmerica Energy Launching Solar Operation in Edgefield County - S.C. Governor Henry McMaster: "Located on Davis Road in Ridge Spring, S.C., the company’s new 10-MW solar farm is situated on approximately 100 acres and is expected to be operational by the third quarter of 2018. For more information on SolAmerica, visit the company’s website at www.solamericaenergy.com.


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PSC asked to help ratepayers get back $1 billion from bungled nuclear project | The State

PSC asked to help ratepayers get back $1 billion from bungled nuclear project | The State: "The request, if approved by the state Public Service Commission, would defray about $1 billion of the approximately $1.7 billion customers already have paid toward the bungled project.


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Sunday, October 15, 2017

Florida utility interested in buying Santee Cooper

NextEra Energy is the parent company of Florida Power and Light, one of the largest regulated utilities in the country. Florida Power serves 10 million people in the Sunshine State, the company reports. Santee Cooper provides power to 2 million South Carolinians.


Friday, October 13, 2017

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Focus on Santee Cooper during Senate hearing on V.C. Summer project > Columbia Business Report

Focus on Santee Cooper during Senate hearing on V.C. Summer project > Columbia Business Report: "The morning’s top discussion concerned the debt of the company and how that debt was incurred. Carter told the committee 80% of Santee Cooper’s balance sheet was taken up by debt – $4.3 billion related to the failed nuclear reactor project.


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SCANA accuses Santee Cooper of misleading leaders for years in failed nuclear project | Palmetto Politics | postandcourier.com

SCANA accuses Santee Cooper of misleading leaders for years in failed nuclear project | Palmetto Politics | postandcourier.com: ""SCE&G leadership has showed tremendous restraint in not attempting to answer every mischaracterization that Santee Cooper has made in its letters and emails over the past several years," Stuckey wrote. "SCE&G's reticence to respond to each Santee Cooper email and letter that omits important details and context — out of a desire to be respectful to the company's project partner — has contributed to the confusion about the facts."


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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Pruitt to announce Clean Power Plan repeal, ask industry to shape replacement | Utility Dive

Pruitt to announce Clean Power Plan repeal, ask industry to shape replacement | Utility Dive: "U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt announced Monday he will formally sign a proposal to repeal the Clean Power Plan, an Obama-era rule aimed at slashing emissions from the power sector.

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Monday, October 9, 2017

Utility makes bid to buy Santee Cooper - Post and Courrier

Selling Santee Cooper at a fire-sale price and in an environment where the state is begging buyers to undervalue the public utility’s true worth would have disastrous implications,” S.C. House Speaker Jay Lucas, R-Darlington, told The State. “The only responsible course of action is to receive an accurate valuation of Santee Cooper and not sell it for less than it’s worth.”


Sewer rate may go up in Northeast Columbia | The State

Sewer rate may go up in Northeast Columbia | The State: "Palmetto Utilities Inc., which serves 26,000 customers in the northeast sections of Richland County, wants to raise its flat rate for sewer service from $36.50 a month to $68.05 per month, or an increase of 86 percent.


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‘The End is Very Near’: Utility Won’t Block Condemnation of Sewage Plant | Local & State News | free-times.com

‘The End is Very Near’: Utility Won’t Block Condemnation of Sewage Plant | Local & State News | free-times.com: "he mayor says the town is ready to go ahead and take over the facility. He says the town is formally beginning the condemnation process this week.

“They actually asked us to move as quickly as possible with the condemnation process where they could turn over the plant to us,” the Lexington mayor told Free Times on Oct. 9."

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Gov. McMaster urges South Carolina lawmakers to back sale of Santee Cooper - Post & Courrier 

"I have alerted each that the state will not consider any proposal which saddles the ratepayers or taxpayers with any of Santee Cooper’s $4.3 billion nuclear construction debt," the governor wrote.


Sunday, October 8, 2017

Sewage spills into Saluda River should end as Lexington takes over troubled plantBY TIM FLACH - The State

Town leaders on Friday immediately accepted an offer from Carolina Water Service to take over the facility while the two sides resolve how much much the town will pay to purchase the system.Read more here: http://www.thestate.com/news/local/article177486191.html#storylink=

Some Northeast Richland sewer rates may rise 86 percent - The State

“The increase is needed to offset the $83 million the company spent to upgrade and improve its sewer system, according to the company’s filing with the request.”


Friday, October 6, 2017

Santee Cooper names Brogdon interim CEO > Columbia Business Report

Santee Cooper names Brogdon interim CEO > Columbia Business Report: "Brogdon, a former South Carolina Circuit Court judge, joined Santee Cooper in 2005 and led the utility’s successful resolution of the Santee River flooding litigation, securing a $250 million recovery in that case. He is also credited for significant contributions to Santee Cooper’s ability to extend its contract through 2058 with Central Electric Power Cooperative, the utility’s largest customer. 


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Monday, October 2, 2017

SC’s top 2 legislators promise power customers protection | The State

SC’s top 2 legislators promise power customers protection | The State: "Lucas said he’d like to see Leatherman lead the charge on energy regulation reform.


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Water Customers Mad over West Columbia's 'Annexation via Extortion' | Local & State News | free-times.com

Water Customers Mad over West Columbia's 'Annexation via Extortion' | Local & State News | free-times.com: "Other municipalities around South Carolina require similar obligations of property owners. The City of Columbia has what they call a “Declaration of Covenant” that functions much the same as the West Columbia annexation for water agreement, as does the City of Lexington, Chapin and others. The agreement doesn’t automatically force properties into West Columbia. Instead, once the city limits expand and border a formerly unincorporated property, then West Columbia takes them in.


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3 utilities tell McMaster they want to buy Santee Cooper | The State

3 utilities tell McMaster they want to buy Santee Cooper | The State: "Three Fortune 200 energy companies have lined up to buy some or all of the state-owned Santee Cooper utility, according to two sources familiar with the negotiations.


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Energy executive: Atlantic Coast Pipeline could extend into S.C. > Charleston Business Journal

Energy executive: Atlantic Coast Pipeline could extend into S.C. > Charleston Business Journal: "“Even though it dead-ends at Lumberton (North Carolina) — of course, 12 miles to the border — everybody knows it’s not going to end in Lumberton,” Weekley said in the recording, adding that it could go toward the Lowcountry or the Midlands, depending on power needs"

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How DOE's baseload power rule 'would blow the market up' | Utility Dive

How DOE's baseload power rule 'would blow the market up' | Utility Dive: "FERC is unlikely to take up the proposal as written, analysts and former regulators agreed, but regulators currently at the agency have indicated they plan to address plant compensation and reliability questions — making the NOPR the Trump administration's opening salvo in what is likely to be a long and contentious regulatory battle over the future of the fuel mix and competitive electricity markets."

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