Sunday, April 22, 2018

Mignon Clyburn reflects on legacy as public interest 'champion' at Federal Communications Commission | Palmetto Politics |

 "The most high-profile issue Clyburn dealt with during her time in office was net neutrality, which is the idea that internet service providers should treat all websites and content in their system equally and not offer "fast lanes" for larger companies.


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Saturday, April 21, 2018

SC Attorney General: SCE&G rate hikes 'unconstitutional' | The State

SC Attorney General: SCE&G rate hikes 'unconstitutional' | The State: "The Base Load Review Act is unconstitutional as applied to SCE&G ratepayers," said the attorney general's motion to state Circuit Court Judge John Hayes, who is presiding over a ratepayers' lawsuit against the Cayce-based utility."

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Friday, April 20, 2018

Thursday, April 19, 2018

South Carolina Senate passes rate cut, threatening merger ::

South Carolina Senate passes rate cut, threatening merger :: "Both supporters and opponents of the rate cut predicted a lawsuit from SCANA or others saying lawmakers have no legal right to set utility rates without the approval of the state Public Service Commission. Supporters think they can win, but opponents like Hutto said if the state loses the lawsuit, it will be a double blow for customers who lose the benefits of the Dominion merger and then the rate cut. He compared the action of the General Assembly to a mad scientist.


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Friday, April 13, 2018

Santee Cooper may object to SCANA-Dominion merger | The State

Santee Cooper may object to SCANA-Dominion merger | The State: "Mollie Gore, a Santee Cooper spokeswoman, declined to say what the state-owned utility would tell the PSC about the proposed marriage of SCANA and Dominion, a Virginia-based energy giant."

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Tuesday, April 10, 2018

S.C. power companies holding tax savings that could reduce rates until regulators weigh in | Business |

S.C. power companies holding tax savings that could reduce rates until regulators weigh in | Business | "Nanette Edwards, the director of the Office of Regulatory Staff, says her office wants utilities' plans in writing now so that they aren't fighting about big sums of money later. The agency aims to clear up the issue early, even if the savings aren't passed through right away."

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Friday, April 6, 2018

Solar industry expansion in South Carolina gets good news | The State

Solar industry expansion in South Carolina gets good news | The State: "In a state reeling from high electricity costs, the House voted 64-33 to eliminate a cap that threatened to stop the solar industry's expansion in the Palmetto State. The fledgling industry is expected to reach the cap sometime this year."

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Thursday, April 5, 2018

South Carolina House takes big step toward selling Santee Cooper

South Carolina House takes big step toward selling Santee Cooper: "The proposal, which now heads to the Senate, offers a significant step toward selling Santee Cooper. A number of companies have privately shown interest in buying or taking over the state-owned power company, but S.C. lawmakers — whose approval is needed to privatize Santee Cooper — have yet to create a process to field and evaluate those offers.


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